Posted 9/12/24
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. -Gal 6:9
Part of me would love to quit every job and volunteer endeavor I do and just write Digital Cornbread posts all day long. I mean that, friends. You are that valuable to me. Sadly, though, there is no such thing as universal basic richness, so I have to work….a lot.
I guess I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate each of you that read and share and comment on my posts. I know a decent chunk of the 12,000 subscribers here are bots and folks in response farms and the like, but I rest in the fact that there are many who are real folks struggling that I can help through this little cornbread table. 🙂
I want to encourage you to become a cornbread cook too. You really don’t have to write fancy. You don’t have to be super well-read on the topics. Just get started…and write. It has been a tremendous catharsis for me the last 6-7 years to share these windmill tilting, ups and downs. There have been days when I had very few people with whom to converse and vent to. That being said, I recommend you separate your venting time from your reflection time. Warn the reader that a venting session is coming and let them choose to read or hold off. I can tell you, as someone who internalizes other’s pain that I can only handle so much. Hence why I spend VERY little time on social media dementia pages…it becomes tooooo much quickly. I am the perfect Venn diagram of someone who internalizes other’s pain and am a fixer at the same time. Therefore, I hurt when they hurt and want too much to fix it instead of focusing on being a life-giving ear. It is a daily struggle to catch myself in that realm, and I am getting better, but I am a work in progress.
If you want to start a blog and need help, give me a buzz. I am NOT a website developer, but I play one on TV and can point you in some right directions. 🙂
Shifting gears:

(Image by Pexels from Pixabay)
We have made it to Walk to End Alzheimer’s season. I will be attending the Joplin, MO Walk Saturday, most likely the Lake of the Ozarks Walk the next Saturday, and our own biggie in Springfield the 28th. It is likely I won’t have time for much in the way of blog posts, but please know this: You are valuable to me like a precious jewel. Thank you soooo much. You are more appreciated than I could ever express.
It has been a tough year. Now we celebrate fo a couple of months as we eagerly await the pipeline of treatments to bear fruit. 🙂
Keep Tiltin’ Windmills with me. 🙂 The best here is yet to come.
Donate to any, all, or none of these, but they all go to the same end….to slay this dementia dragon once for all. Forever.
Joplin Walk this Saturday morning 9/14/24:
Lake of the Ozarks Walk on Disco Day morning 9/21/24
Our wonderful, amazing, fantabulous Springfield Walk 9/28/24 morning (Sorry…I am on the Walk committee, so I am a little biased…but I know it will be great! :
Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn’t give you the link to next year’s Longest Day/ Runnin’ Til I’m Purple event!
2025 Longest Day Page:
Consider this dementia dragon a goner if I have anything to do with it! 🙂

For those who have made it this far in the blog, I would like your opinion of me adding an ongoing personal travel donation link. I drive approximately 8-10k miles per year extra to do clinical trial work and stay at least 8-10 nights in (sometimes cheapie) hotels. Currently I pay everything out of pocket. I funnel any small stipends I get from studies back into the travel expense, but they typically cover about 1/3 of the cost. I am not a non-profit organization and can’t funnel my work through my employer who is one because I don’t want to have restrictions on my words caused not by them but by funding sources who do not approve Christian blogs.
Idea: I may soon make a non-profit entity to make these donations deductive, but for now they are not.
Would it make me look like I am in this thing for personal gain if I do this? Would it be better to create the non-profit so I can be required to be even more transparent than merely posting every receipt? Your opinions are coveted! 🙂 or text/call me at 417-955-2513. Thanks y’all! 😉