Posted 5/31/24
“Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.” Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.]” John 3:1-3
I just had a minute today and wanted to share an email I sent to my support groups about dementia-friendly phones. There are no perfect answers here since their use required seeing and recognizing names or pictures, but at least in early- to mid-stages, for some, these may very well help. Note: I do not use affiliate ads here or pretty much anywhere except about 5 years ago with a handful of Amazon links that were noted. 🙂 List:
The RAZ phone (pretty much the best, it seems):
Jitterbug 2:
Comparison between RAZ and Jitterbug:
One can make nearly any Samsung phone simpler by changing it to Easy Mode:
There are also some apps in the Play store that will make them easier, but it gets more advanced quickly:
IPhone has some options too:
Lots of discussions that have tips:
Smart watches, especially those with cell service built-in, can be a huge blessing for tracking wanderers as well. It is common to forget a phone, but less common to forget a watch, especially if it stays on and is waterproof. I will gather some options on those and do a new post soon.
Hope this helps a little. Please holler if I can assist in person. I am free tech help. I work for a non-profit. 🙂
If you have any tips or options that have been great, please message me here or text me at 417-955-2513
Have a great weekend!
Update: Mom is still doing as well as can be expected. The sudden drops to 80s O2 have subsided this week so far. Praying they continue to stay away…
Mom list a stablemate this week…a wonderful lady named Barbara. She is free to her eternal reward. 🙂