Posted 6/17/22
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. – Cor 16:13
Well, the training is as done as it can be this late in the game. 🙂 I will be departing from the Bolivar Frisco Highline Trailhead at around 4am, fighting spiders for the next 2 hours on the trail, then Runnin’ Til I’m Purple. I figure, on a day as hot as is expected and with a slightly gimpy ankle, I will probably arrive at the Springfield Trailhead at around 4pm-ish. Who knows??? Last year it took 10 hours, but it was only 88 degrees. I will be staying at the hotel at Bypass and Kearney with my bride. Swing by and visit if you want… I am sure their pool is cool. Then, Tuesday I will be heading out from the hotel at 4am again, hopefully, and will arrive home at about 6pm…allowing myself some Bigfoot/Yeti/Facebook Live teaching opportunities as a go.
If you want to check the status fairly much in real time, here is the link:
Please share these links on social media everywhere…I am behind in fundraising too. 🙂
If you don’t know what on Earth I am talking about, here is the donation link (see what I did there???) :
If you haven’t found my blog, here it is:
Wait, that wasn’t it…here it is:
Thank you for all of your support. I will be taking Wednesday off to recover a bit (although I will be available by phone in a pinch). Have a great few days 🙂

Update: Mom’s spot on her face looks far better as do her eyes. Just gotta stay on the meds… She is a fighter…I am super proud of her. 🙂
Here is a picture of my beat up feet:
Shameless, I know.
Please share my FB event and my blog and my donation link…I will only be collecting $ through the end of the month on my run. 🙂