Posted 6/23/23
Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. -1 Peter 5:7
Hi all! I hope to do a long form recap article very soon. My event went from really Sunday afternoon until this morning in many ways although the actual 9 hour stair step days were Mon-Thur. Today I had to catch back up on my rewarding work at SeniorAge (who is so gracious… and a wonderful employer! Their mission is my mission)
To tide you over, here are some of the news pieces I was blessed to take part in:
Monday: KC…
LINK and my wife’s debut 🙂 (She may beat me up for this…but she was great on camera and was AMAZING for encouragement and support!)
Tuesday: St. Louis….
LINK (only 1 in St. Louis so far, but it was amazing!)
Wednesday: Cape Girardeau
Thursday: Springfield
Other great coverage before it begin:
Last thing for today:
If you are in SW Missouri, swing by the C-Street Marketplace tomorrow morning. I will be joining my amazing friends/fellow volunteers and staff for our Chalk 4 the Walk event. It is on historic Commercial street and runs from 9-2 tomorrow. There will be face painting, a passport event from which you can win prizes, and discounts aplenty from the super supportive merchants there! I look forward to meeting a whole bunch of you at this event! 🙂 It should be outstanding!
Thank you sooooooooooo much for your support and encouragement! I will be finishing up taking donations on 6/30 and the contest info for donors will be posted soon. 🙂
Here is the donation link:
Thank you thank you thank you thank you!
After 2 less than good days, mom was better yesterday it seemed, according to my stepdad. I will see her tonight to give her a hug, listen to some old hymns, and catch up. Thank you for your prayer and your support in this roller coaster of a journey!