Posted 6/24/22
God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore. 1 Kings 4:29

I will try hard to do a written recap over the weekend since I am taking the two days off, running-wise. 🙂 All is well. I made it in 11:30:00 on day one and 30 minutes later on day 2…12 hours. T’was a long couple of days. There is much to tell, but my work backed up while I was gone and I have to catch up. 🙁
Update: Mom is doing about the same. My sis reported today that she has uneven temperatures. One side is cold, the other is hot. There are a million possible reasons, and we are trying to help figure it out. It could just be the brain’s regulation of temperatures. Terrible disease. 🙁 Terrible.
Thank you all very much again. More info to come…
Here is the Facebook event page:
Here is the Fundraiser…it gets shut down the 30th of June. 🙂 We are getting closer to our goal. 🙂
If you have donated or do donate by Monday, be sure and enter the contest I wrote about this week. Guess:
- How much weight I lost in the 2 day event (in pounds and 10ths of a pound)
- How many steps I made in the two days.
Email your answer to