Posted 12/1/23 (I love this date. “a1, a2, a123!!!!” It releases my inner dancer?)
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. -Eph 2:10
What a week! I miss having more time to share stories, updates, research, and the like with you all! Problem is, life has never been busier. Never. Never ever. It is fulfilling. It is great. It is tiring.
Thursday, as I mention in my last post, was a fun opportunity to try to share some practical tips on being a good neighbor to someone with the disease and their caregivers. Looking back at the video, I sure flapped my gums a lot, but I sincerely hope I got my points across. 🙂
Here are the links: or directly to the video at
I highly commend this Neighboring blog to you, not only because the blogger is a friend, but because he is a great guy who has some amazing guests on the show!
There was, of course, 222 hours more that could have been said on the topic as well. We need to learn the topic. We need to care enough to apply what we have learned from both the experience’s hard knocks and from our study online/with docs/in research. We cannot “waste this disease”, for the lack of a better phrase and let it win by allowing it to be senseless and without love and joy. We just can’t. That is my mission and I hope it is yours as well.
Unfortunately I am out of time again today to dig in to a loaf of digital cornbread. Mom is doing as good as she can be all things considered. My smile count with her in November was a 6-month or better high at 2. She isn’t in pain nor anxious. She is just sleeping, eating and living. She would much prefer being in heaven, but she is a strong woman in a dozen ways and will keep on keepin’ on until the Lord calls her name.
Have a great weekend, friends. I hope to be able to post a long-form piece on my 2024 shark jump next week. Here is the link for a Cliff’s Notes:
Thank you all for continuing the fight with me to hopefully soon #EndALZ