Posted 5/5/23
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Prov 17:22
Da Da Da Da Na Nemab…Da Da Da Da Na Nemab…Da Da Da Da Na Nemab
OK…maybe my Minion Karaoke today or my Muppet one yesterday won’t help you pronounce it, but the bottom line is: THIS DRUG IS A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!!!
We need CMS to stop blocking Monoclonal Antibody treatments that are approved by the FDA! 2000 people per day fall out of eligibility to take this treatment due to disease progression! 786,000 people since they blocked this class of drugs! Here is some more info:
We need to fix this mess, CMS. We need #MoreTime with our loved ones and we need to finally #EndALZ
Come on fellow Minions of caregivers, let’s help AIM in this fight.
Mom would have approved…trust me!